Monday, June 6, 2011

Technical Services

Thobani Learners getting assisted during the Computer Session by Mr. Myeza - Auxillary Facilitator.

Technical Services

The Learners getting assisted during the Computer Session.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cybercafer at Madadeni Library

State-of-the-Art Computer Lab

I got these Mouse Pads while I was attending the Tourism Indaba on 07 - 10 May 2011 at Durban ICC.

Cyber investing technology to learners

The development of technology start here!!!

Thobani Primary School, has visited Madadeni Library - Cybercafe during the last week of May. Learners were thought the basic and fundamentals of Computers. To most of learners, this is a prerequisite if they are doing and submitting a research , homework , assignments and projects where internet is a resource.

TEAM Work make learning computers fun in a class!!!

Thobani learners are being assisted by their educator, Mr. Myeza as a auxiliary facilitator

Learning in pr0gress