Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cyber investing technology to learners

The development of technology start here!!!

Thobani Primary School, has visited Madadeni Library - Cybercafe during the last week of May. Learners were thought the basic and fundamentals of Computers. To most of learners, this is a prerequisite if they are doing and submitting a research , homework , assignments and projects where internet is a resource.

TEAM Work make learning computers fun in a class!!!

Thobani learners are being assisted by their educator, Mr. Myeza as a auxiliary facilitator

Learning in pr0gress


  1. indeed this is true :::"the development of Technology starts here"

  2. Thank you Zama,

    This is true service delivery at it best and the Reflection of how cybers develop communities.

    Project Continues Gil!!!

  3. Great sense of Appeal Chief....Technology Starts Here at Home(Cybers)....Thumps up Phumlani....!!
